Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Ranting Temper

This will be short, brief - to the point.  I was watching TV last night with Mary.  Normally - we watch racing.  Its our thing....grown men driving in circles with nothing better to do than try to sell me battery operated underwear and butt cream for babies.  Its just amazing what someone will put on the side of a race car and the depths to which those guys will sell themselves for nothing other than to ride around in circles.  What does that say about people who watch them!!!  What can I say - I am easily amused by the travelling carnival show called NASCAR..

Somehow, I managed to catch some news about this debt debate in Washington, and nothing is making me more stressed than those blundering idiots giving my money to the Polish government to study cow flatulence.  Or writing an open check to the Pentagon to build the next new superweapon.  And guess who gets to pay for it?  Why - you and I.  OF COURSE, right?  Well, after watching an hour of CNN and seeing them march senators and representatives in front of their cameras, pointing fingers and blame at everyone BUT themselves, I finally decided to spend my own 30 seconds in front of a camera.  This is my version of "I have had ENOUGH of this"!  Just click on the link, and it should take you to a youtube video I recently posted about how I feel about this whole debt ceiling and crisis and politicians and.....well, just watch. 

The Ranting

Peace & Love Everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I added a link to your blog on Send me an email or reply to this comment if you want it changed or deleted. Thanks!
